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Postgraduate Programme Specification

PgCert Nursing Care of the Older Person in Care Home Settings

Academic Year 2023/24

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance processes. All degrees are awarded by Queen's University Belfast.

Programme Title PgCert Nursing Care of the Older Person in Care Home Settings Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)
Postgraduate Certificate
Programme Code NAM-PC-OPC UCAS Code HECoS Code 100290 - Nursing - 100

ATAS Clearance Required


Health Check Required


Portfolio Required


Interview Required


Mode of Study Part Time
Type of Programme Postgraduate Length of Programme Part Time - 1 Academic Year
Total Credits for Programme 60
Exit Awards available No

Institute Information

Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Nursing & Midwifery

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 7

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Nursing (2009)

Accreditations (PSRB)

No accreditations (PSRB) found.

Regulation Information

Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)


Programme Specific Regulations

Entry Requirements

Hold a first level Registered Nurse qualification on the appropriate part of the Nursing and Midwifery Council Professional Register.
Hold a primary degree.
Currently working in a care home setting.
Be available to undertake the course on the date of commencement.

A minimum of 75% class attendance is required. Students who fail to satisfy the attendance requirements may be permanently withdrawn from the programme.
Students must pass 60 CAT points of taught modules to be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Care of the Older Person in Care Home Settings.
The pass mark for all taught modules is 50%.
Students who fail one or more taught modules are permitted one further attempt to pass at the next available opportunity for a maximum mark of 50%.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Care of the Older Person in Care Home Settings (hereafter PG Certificate) is a postgraduate course of the School of Nursing and Midwifery within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences. The PG Certificate shall be conferred upon registered students of the University who have undertaken the approved course of study and successfully completed all prescribed assessments, examinations and clinical practice. The course is subject to the General Regulations of the University In addition the following course specific regulations apply.

The course design is compatible with the Credit Accumulation and Transfer System so that students will earn 60 credits at level 7.

Students can elect to either exit with the award of Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Care of the Older Person in Care Home Settings or carry credits forward into further postgraduate study should they wish to do so. Students may wish to complete additional level 7 modules and a dissertation to make up the credits for the award of a Masters Degree.

Once registered with the University, each student will be assigned a Personal Tutor.

Credit for a module is obtained by satisfying all module requirements and successful completion of the assessment schedule.

Students whose progress appears to be unsatisfactory at any stage of their studies, who are absent from a University examination for a reason not approved by the School, or who record two absent medicals for an assessable component of the course will be referred to the Board of Examiners.

Students with extenuating circumstances may be granted a temporary withdrawal from the course. A period of temporary withdrawal may not exceed one year. The cumulative limit on periods of temporary withdrawal is two years, after which the person will be permanently withdrawn, and must apply for re-admission.

A student on temporary withdrawal may return to the programme at the point where they were last deemed competent.

Re-sits will be facilitated at the next available opportunity.

Students with protected characteristics

No impediments to applicants for this programme. 

Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)

Fitness to Practice programmes are those which permit students to enter a profession which is itself subject to Fitness to Practice rules.

Educational Aims Of Programme

The overall aim of the Postgraduate Certificate is to offer a high quality supportive teaching and learning environments that provide students with:

•A strong foundation in providing specialist care for older people and knowledge and specialist clinical skills in the practice of nursing older people as well as key, transferable and specialist skills to optimise the care of residents living in care homes.

•The opportunity to develop clinical competencies utilising a holistic and compassionate response to the multiple problems older people may experience, for example heart failure, COPD, dementia, cancer, diabetes and other complex conditions that older people experience.

•Knowledge to focus on; health & wellbeing in later life, the living experience of older people, the need to respect the patient, in relation to diversity, values, beliefs and expectations about their health and care.

•Skills to focus on the rehabilitative principles of care for older people and the need for a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach to assessing the needs of older people, recognising the role of multiple providers of health and social care across the public, voluntary and community, and private sectors.

•Enable student to critically consider ways in which they can optimise the care of their current residents and how they can implement quality improvement in their practice to focus on active improvement of care practice.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Critically review the political, economic, social, cultural and demographic factors which influence decisions about the health care of older people.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Critically analyse the organizational issues and dilemmas pertinent to the delivery of care to older people.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Critically discuss the ethical and legal issues which impact on the lives of older people, their families, carers or significant others.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Critically appraise the role of the multi-disciplinary team in developing comprehensive health education and health promotion programmes for the older person.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Critically analyse models of frailty, conceptual understandings of disability, rehabilitation strategies, and enablement amongst older people.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Evaluate critically the application of an evidence-based approach to the nursing care of clinical problems and high-risk pathophysiological conditions experienced by older people

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts: partnership, collaboration, co-production, empowerment, advocacy and choice, which will enhance the creativity and human potential of the specialist practitioner in the nursing care of older people.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Systematically review evidence-based nursing assessments of older people’s physical, psychological, cognitive and social functioning.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Apply advanced knowledge of the diverse and many-faceted needs of older people, their carers and families and match these to the specific services required in hospital or community.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Explore a range of psychosocial interventions which may be employed to promote rehabilitation in older populations.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Critically appraise the recognized models of health promotion and their applicability to the care of older people and their significant others.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with older people.
Critically discuss with an older person their rights as a service user in a care setting.
Display a positive attitude to client/family/carers of older people.
Facilitate the older person to be empowered in the health care settings.
Critically analyse the specialist nurse’s role as an advocate.
Articulate the range of legislation which underpins service delivery

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Demonstrate an ability to undertake a risk assessment of an older person experiencing acute or chronic illness, and/or frailty.
Critically analyse the specialist nurse’s role in the multi-disciplinary team.
Articulate the need to develop a therapeutic relationship with the older person.
The ability to facilitate an explanation to an older person receiving care, the effects and potential side effects of prescribed medication.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Demonstrate the ability to carry out a multi-dimensional assessment of older people.
Actively participate in a rehabilitation programme for older people receiving care.
Articulate the ability to effectively participate in person centred care.
Facilitate coping responses in relation to distress of older people.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Coherently debate the importance of empowerment and respect in promoting physical, psychological and social rehabilitation.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Develop student confidence

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Develop poster presentation on a QI project

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme will be supported by tutorials, seminars, group discussion, presentation, on-line learning, distance learning, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

Assessment will be through written assignment and oral presentation.

Module Information

Stages and Modules

Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits


Duration Pre-requisite


S1 S2 Core Option Coursework % Practical % Examination %
Frailty, Rehabilitation and Enablement SPR7090 7 20 -- YES 12 weeks N YES -- 80% 20% 0%
Nursing Care of Older People SPR7089 7 20 YES -- 12 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Health and Well-being in Later Life SPR7088 7 20 -- YES 12 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%


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