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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences are a range of subjects that help us to study the world around us in a variety of ways.  This includes looking at our past, present and future through a number of mediums and helping us to make sense of the world and the people around us.

Welcome to the AHSS Pathway!
PHOTO: Sinead Sturgeon
Our Pathway offers a diverse and exciting introduction to the array of subjects on offer in AHSS, and a genuine ‘taster’ of student life here at Queen's. Students will enjoy sessions in Drama, English, Film, History, Modern Languages, Music, Politics, and Sociology. The Pathway culminates in a summer school, at which you'll attend lectures and seminars with QUB staff and academic guides (current students here in AHSS). You will also learn more about the resources available, with visits to our state-of-the-art library, CES (Careers, Employability and Skills), and the Student Union. Sinead Sturgeon
  • What do I need to study on the Arts, Humanities and Social Science Pathway?

    We would advise that all students check the academic entry requirements (GCSE, A-Levels or equivalent) for each course before applying for their Pathway.  Many courses specify that you must have achieved a specific grade at a specific level in order to be conisidered for a place on the undergraduate programme.  Therefore, it is important that you clarify this information as early as possible in order to avoid disappointment.   

    Please click here to be redirected to the Queen's University course finder, where you should find all necessary details - in particular, pre-requisite information.

  • What courses can I study at Queen's after taking part in the Arts, Humanities and Social Science pathway?

    Students completing this Pathway are eligible to apply for a range of courses under their subject area.  For the full list, have a look at our Pathway Courses Available document for further information.

  • What does the Summer School look like?

    Over the course of a week, you’ll get to ‘try out’ different subjects, get to know your fellow Pathway students, and experience life as a Queen's student in Belfast.  In the past, our students have studied a range of subjects, looking at the City of Belfast through a variety of mediums, and attending lectures on History, Social Policy, English, Drama, Film and a range of other subjects.  This will give you the chance to experience the subjects within the AHSS Pathway, working with current academics and students to maximise your learning experience.

  • What careers are available for graduates in this field?

    Studying Arts and Humanities provides graduates with an adaptable set of skills that can give entry to a vast range of occupations leading in many career directions. Employers in all fields value applicants who can deal competently with large amounts of complex information and turn it to good use. Examples of career routes taken by AHSS graduates include: 

    • Television Research
    • Teaching
    • Visual Effects Supervision 
    • Journalism
    • Project Management
    • Music Production
    • Advertising
    • Fast Stream Civil Service
    • Librarianship 
    • Policy Analysis
    • Youth Support Work
  • How can I get in touch?
    If you have a question about one of our Pathways, or want to ask an academic a question, please email us at and someone will be in touch!
Apply for this Pathway
Applications for 2024