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Storytelling for Researchers

Discover the art of storytelling to enhance your research communication.

September 5, 2024
10:00 - 12:00


This workshop is facilitated by Duncan Yellowlees, Director and Founding member of DY Training, and was first introduced to our core programme of courses for postdocs and research staff in 2023.  Discover the art of storytelling to enhance your research communication and learn to engage your audience with impactful stories that make your work memorable.

Relevant to all types of research communication, though focused on presentations, this workshop offers a light-hearted yet content-rich experience.  Gain practical ideas and activities to immediately apply this powerful approach to your work. Perfect for newcomers to storytelling and those seeking a fresh and impactful way to present their research.

Workshop Objectives

This workshop is designed to equip you with the skills to:

  • Understand why stories are effective engagement tools
  • Utilize storytelling techniques in presentations
  • Find great stories to share
  • Experience an award-winning impression of an albatross


Duncan Yellowlees | DY Training

Duncan is the founding member of DY Training who specialize in helping researchers to become more confident, happier and effective presenters.  In the words of Duncan:

"Duncan here, founding member of DY training. Getting you better at presenting your work is what we do.

I've been training presenters for over a decade and get really excited about working with research. There is so much fascinating and powerful work being done and I get to help researchers find their voice, enabling them to share it out to the world. I geek out about research storytelling and finding creative ways to engage audiences. Oh, and on the side, I hand make kitchen knives (no really)!

I'm also the founder of COMMunity - a peer to peer community for researchers who care about communicating their work in impactful and creative ways."

Postdoctoral Development Centre
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Name Postdoctoral Development Centre