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Global Genes Webinar: Coping skills for Caregivers

May 9, 2024
20:00 - 21:00

Parents/caregivers want to do everything to help their child, sometimes to the detriment of their own health. As the flight attendants always say, ”put your mask on first, then help your child with theirs.” In this 1 hour presentation, (40 min. + 20 min Q & A), reflect on the emotional, social and physical impacts that having a chronically ill child makes upon caregivers and the family as a whole. Learn about 4 core strategies for coping and tips for self-care, as well as tools that other family members can also use. Develop a resource kit. There will be time for discussion. ----------------------------------------- Suzanne Edison, MA, MFA, writes often about the intersection of illness, healing, medicine and art. She is a former counselor, poet, and the parent of a now young adult, in remission with juvenile dermatomyositis. She is currently the Mental Health Coordinator at the Cure JM (juvenile myositis) Foundation and is a member of the Mental Health Task Force and working group of CARRA (Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance.) She also co-leads the Narrative Medicine sub-group at CARRA with Aviya Lanis, MD. Her poetry book, Since the House Is Burning, from MoonPath Press was published in 2022. Her chapbook, The Body Lives Its Undoing, was published in 2018 by Benaroya Research Institute. Poetry can be found in: Michigan Quarterly Review; JAMA; HEAL; SWWIM Every Day; Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine; Lily Poetry Review; The Ekphrastic Review, and in several anthologies including: The Healing Art of Writing, Volume One. Suzanne is a Hedgebrook 2019 alum and teaches writing workshops in Seattle and through UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Wellness Center for Chronic Conditions.

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