Become a Member

person looking at a screen

Benefits of membership for companies

AMIC is an open access centre for industry and there are a number of ways for industry to engage; events, directly funded projects, grant funded projects, SME and skills programmes and also through membership. Membership is not a requirement to work with AMIC, but provides an attractive model for businesses to collaborate and build strategic relationships.

Membership is a great way for industry to come together to solve common problems and secure access to engineering resources needed for project delivery.

Fees are paid in advance and used to support both member-directed project activity (which the company controls) and a core research programme of shared projects, which are developed in collaboration with other members.

sparks flying from a welder


Member-directed projects allow companies to work on their specific innovation challenges without sharing this with competitors and to establish a strategic relationship with AMIC.

Core research programme projects enable companies to work in collaboration with others from their sector or beyond on shared challenges and leverage the funds, support and expertise from other members and across sectors. Often, this may be in areas outside of direct competition, such as implementation of AR/VR, machine learning etc.  

Companies see membership as a means of extending their own research and innovation resources and leveraging the value other companies bring and interacting with the network of members.

Person in a factory with a tablet


Members will hold key roles in the AMIC technology strategy groups and Tier 1 members will get a seat on the AMIC board with increased voting rights on member projects. The strategic commitment from members means that AMIC will prioritise activity that support their long-term needs. 

To learn more and explore membership options for your company, please contact