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Content and Media Review

How should I review Pending Sections?

Pending sections will not be published live as part of your website. They may include outdated information, work that was started but never completed, or old content.

General Advice
If a section and its content are no longer needed, delete them from the system.

Review Checklist:

  • Preview the Section: Click 'Preview' to view the content in your browser and quickly determine if the content is outdated.
  • Last Modified Date: If the content hasn't been updated in the last six months and there's no plan for future use, it’s likely unnecessary.
  • Content History: View the 'History' tab for content creation and modification details. If the creator no longer works on the website, the content is probably redundant.
  • Obtain Permission: If unsure about deleting content, consult the website owner for a decision.
  • Archive: For content related to core events or institutional memory, ensure it's centrally stored (e.g., SharePoint/Intranet). If you have any queries relating to content marked as archive, please log a support request via the IT Service Desk.

  • Last updated

  • Service Area
