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Media Library

What is the Media Library?

The Media Library is the home to the media items you will be using in your CMS based website(s).  The most common types of media items are images (jpg, png) and documents (MS Office, PDFs).  As a CMS User, you will have the appropriate access to specific Media Library folders to allow you to manage website assets.

The Media Library should not be considered as an asset repository or as a resource for finding and using assets to build website content.  It should be used to hold assets in specific folders relating to specific websites.   These assets should be sourced by those responsible for the website, uploaded to the correct folders in the Media Library, and used in the content building stage. 

Media Library assets should be managed in the same way as any other piece of content in the CMS.  The assets should be reviewed periodically as part of a website and content lifecycle, and if the assets are no longer required, they should be removed from the CMS.

Copyright: Where required please ensure you have permission to use third-party assets before they are uploaded to the Media Library and used on your website. Any copyright issues which may include legal action, will be the responsibility of the user who uploaded an unverified resource to the Media Library, so please take care and ensure the appropriate permissions are sought.

How Do I Access the Media Library?

Users can access the Media Library via the main menu by clicking on Content > Media Library.

How Do I Request Access to a Media Library Folder?

If you need access to a website or section in the main Site Structure, or a folder in the Media Library, the person designated as the website owner will have to submit an access request via the IT Helpdesk.  If you are the website owner then please follow the instructions below to submit an access request.

To submit an access request please visit the IT Helpdesk and do the following:

  • Log in with your staff AD credentials (Staff number and password)
  • Click on New Call in the main menu
  • In the Summary field, add the text "FAO: Web CMS - Media Library Request.'
  • In the Description field, please add as much information as possible about the access you require.

Preparing and Uploading Files to the Media Library 

The process is simple, source assets responsibly, ensuring that they comply with accessibility, that they are optimised for the web, and that they use the correct filename convention before they are uploaded to the Media Library. 

Sourcing Assets

As part of your website content plan, you may require assets, such as images and documents to accompany your website copy. Where required, you must have consent to use any third-party assets before they are uploaded to the Media Library. This is to ensure that you do not fall foul of any copyright infringements. Copyright issues raised in relation to a website asset will be the responsibility of the user who uploaded an unverified resource to the Media Library. Please take care and ensure the appropriate permissions are sought. 


You must ensure that documents added to the Media Library for use on your website are accessible. Guidance on how to write accessible documents, and how to use the accessibility checker within Microsoft Office is available in the Document Accessibility section of our Accessible Content Guidance.

Optimising Assets

Once you have sourced your images and relevant documents, they must be optimised for use on the web.  This will provide several benefits relating to page load times and download speeds.  You can use the following free tools to help with this:

  • Pixlr and Photopea are web based applications for editing, sizing and optimising images for use on your website.
  • Adobe Compress PDF - This tool can be used to compress newly created and existing PDFs. There are other great document conversion tools available there which may also help.

Follow the correct Filename Convention

Now that you have sourced assets responsibly and created an accessible file that is optimised for the web and saved locally, the last step is to name the file following the correct convention.

Full filenames is enabled for all files uploaded to the Media Library and File Stores.

Documents and images are the most common assets that are used when creating a website. It is important that the final version of your assets are created using the correct naming convention BEFORE they are added to the Web CMS.  This means they must have the guidance below applied whilst the assets are held on your computer or within the SharePoint site for your business area. The assets must adhere to the naming convention as follows:

  • Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numerals (0-9) and hyphens (-).
  • Do not use spaces. Instead, use hyphens to separate words.
  • Do not use special characters (e.g., £, %, &, á) or underscores.


  • annual-report-and-accounts-2023-24.pdf
  • undergraduate-prospectus.pdf
  • application-form.docx


  • Annual Report & Accounts 2023-24.pdf
  • UG_prospectus.pdf
  • Application Form.docx 

The Web Support Team reserves the right to change (or request changes to) filenames if they do not meet digital best practice. 

How can I Check Which Media Library Categories I have Access to?

  1. From the main menu on the left of the screen go to Content > Media Library.
  2. Expand the Categorised section, then any other relevant sections until you see the 'cog and dropdown' icon.
  3. This icon means that you have full control over the assets in that category and subsequent child categories.

How Can I Check if a Media Library Asset is Being Used?

  1. Navigate to the appropriate category in the Media Library.
  2. Access an asset within the folder by either clicking on the 'Name' hyperlink or selecting 'Edit' from the Actions menu.
  3. Once the asset information has loaded, click on the 'Usage' tab.
  4. The Usage tab will provide information on which content and section location this piece of media is being used in. If it is not being used the information 'No results found' will be displayed.

How can I Delete a Single Piece of Media?

Please Note: Once a piece of media is deleted, it will not be recoverable.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate category in the Media Library.
  2. Once you have confirmed the asset is not in use and no longer required, click on the Actions menu and select the option 'Delete'.
  3. A system prompt will ask you to confirm whether you wish to delete the piece of media. Click 'Delete' to proceed.
  4. The system will confirm that the media has been deleted and its status will be changed to 'Inactive'.

How Can I Delete Multiple Pieces of Media?

Please Note: Once a piece of media is deleted, it will not be recoverable.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate category in the Media Library.
  2. Once you have confirmed that the assets are not in use and no longer required, place a check in the box to the right of the 'Actions' button. The row of information for that piece of media will be highlighted.
  3. From the 'Bulk actions' menu, click on the option to 'Delete'.
  4. A system prompt will ask you to confirm whether you wish to delete the pieces of media. Click 'Delete Media' to proceed.
  5. The system will confirm that the media has been deleted and their status will be changed to 'Inactive'.

How Do I Download a Piece of Media?

  1. Navigate to the appropriate category in the Media Library.
  2. Identify the piece of media you wish to download.
  3. Click on the 'Actions' menu and select the option to 'Download'.
  4. The piece of media will download to your computer.

Please note: It is not currently possible to bulk download media.